Hanya mengingatkan pada rekan-rekan semua bahwa GEG memiliki Kode Etik tersendiri berikut petikan dari web GEG tentang Kode Etik tersebut :

When you join a GEG as a leader or a participant you are joining a community. And like any growing community, a few agreements about expected behavior are good for everyone. It's important that everyone in your community sees this code of conduct. Feel free to post it to your group Google+ page/community.
We expect all GEG leaders and participants to respect these basic principles:
  • Be respectful. At times GEGs may be composed of very different types of educators ranging from public to private school educators, to educators from pre-schools to high schools and universities, so we're not going to agree all the time. Remember to be respectful and constructive when communicating with fellow GEG'ers.
  • Participate and be collaborative. This is your community, so work together to make it useful. Join in on discussions, share knowledge, show up for in-person meetings regularly, offer feedback, and help each other out! We can learn a lot from each other.
  • Step down considerately. We all know that life can get busy. If you're a leader, or have some form of responsibility in running a GEG group, and your circumstances will impact your ability to organize your group, find a way to step down gracefully. Make sure someone can take over for you, and transfer the relevant information (contacts, passwords, etc.) for a smooth transition.
In particular, please observe some basic etiquette for online discussions:
  • Think before you send. Does this message need to go to hundreds of people around the world?
  • Keep off topic conversations to a minimum.
  • Do not send spam. Do not advertise or promote personal projects through GEG communities or activities.
If a member of a GEG community routinely violates this code of conduct, the GEG leader may ask that person to leave the community. This code of conduct applies to GEG activities and will be enforced by the community itself. It is not a part of Google’s general Terms of Service or the Google+ User Content and Conduct Policies. Content on Google+ that violates the Google+ User Content and Conduct Policies will be removed if flagged.

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