Hanya mengingatkan pada rekan-rekan semua bahwa GEG memiliki Kode Etik tersendiri berikut petikan dari web GEG tentang Kode Etik tersebut :
When you join a GEG as a leader or a participant you are joining a community. And like any growing community, a few agreements about expected behavior are good for everyone. It's important that everyone in your community sees this code of conduct. Feel free to post it to your group Google+ page/community.
We expect all GEG leaders and participants to respect these basic principles:
- Be respectful. At times GEGs may be composed of very different types of educators ranging from public to private school educators, to educators from pre-schools to high schools and universities, so we're not going to agree all the time. Remember to be respectful and constructive when communicating with fellow GEG'ers.
- Participate and be collaborative. This is your community, so work together to make it useful. Join in on discussions, share knowledge, show up for in-person meetings regularly, offer feedback, and help each other out! We can learn a lot from each other.
- Step down considerately. We all know that life can get busy. If you're a leader, or have some form of responsibility in running a GEG group, and your circumstances will impact your ability to organize your group, find a way to step down gracefully. Make sure someone can take over for you, and transfer the relevant information (contacts, passwords, etc.) for a smooth transition.
- Think before you send. Does this message need to go to hundreds of people around the world?
- Keep off topic conversations to a minimum.
- Do not send spam. Do not advertise or promote personal projects through GEG communities or activities.
Flash News,